The Fellowships Committee assists the Director of Fellowships by reviewing applications and conducting interviews (as necessary) for fellowships requiring institutional endorsement, including the Fulbright, Churchill, Luce, Goldwater, James C. Gaither, Truman, and Beinecke Scholarships.
The 2021-22 members of the Fellowships Committee are:
- Dean Sidney Evans (VP for Student Affairs and Dean of Students)
- Prof. Brian Alexander (Politics)
- Prof. Mónica Botta (Spanish)
- Prof. Mackenzie Brooks (Libraries)
- Prof. Elisabeth Gilbert (Business Administration)
- Prof. Lloyd Tanlu (Accounting)
- Prof. Paula Kiser (Libraries)
- Prof. Sybil Prince Nelson (Mathematics)
- Prof. Marcos Perez (Sociology)
- Prof. Chris Gavaler (English)
- Prof. Natalia Toporikova (Biology)
- Prof. Elizabeth Denne (Mathematics)
- Prof. Margaret Anne Hinkle (Geology)